Some ornamental species in Rhododendron L. (Ericaceae Juss.) from Vietnam
Last modified on 30/10/2009 at 2:05:00 PM. Total 9657 views.
Morphological and ecological characteristics and distribution of 19 ornamental species of Rhododendron L. among 40 species of this genus in Vietnam have been described: Rhododendron arboreum Smith; ssp. delavayi (Franch.) Chamb.; Rhododendron cavaleriei; Rhododendron crenulatum Hutch. ex Sleum.; Rhododendron emarginatum Hemsl. & Wils.; Rhododendron excellens Hemsl. & E.H. Wilson; Rhododendron fortunei; Rhododendron irroratum Fr.; ssp. kontumense (Sleum.) Chamb.; Rhododendron lyi Lévl.; Rhododendron maddenii Hook.f.; ssp. crassum (Franch.) Cullen; Rhododendronmoulmainense Hook.; Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G. Don; Rhododendron nuttalii Booth. ex Nutt.; Rhododendron simsii Planch.; Rhododendron sino-falconeri Balf. f.; Rhododendron tanastylum Balf. f. Ward.; Rhododendron triumphans Yersin in A. Chev.; Rhododendron veitchianum Hook. f.; Rhododendron vialii Delav. & Franch.; Rhododendron yunanense Franch. These species have the potential for cultivation and for obtaining great economic value.