Two species are Cypripedium subtropicum S.C.Chen & K.Y.Lang and Cypripedium lentiginosum P.J.Cribb & S.C.Chen .
The record of C. subtropicum in Sin Ho district of Lai Chau province of northwestern Vietnam presented here is new for the flora of the country. Early record in northern Vietnam in Ha Giang province is based on literature data (Jiang, Liu, 2009). Description of C. singchii (Liu, Chen, 2009) is based on material collected in the same place and probably from the same population (Jiang, Liu, 2009).
With the species as Cypripedium lentiginosum, it is one of the most sensitive elements of primary open limestone forests and scrub associated with a specific set of habitat conditions, such as rocky high elevations, nutrient availability, mossy steep slopes and permanent humidity. Such forests are critically endangered in the area and occupy presently miserable table-like summits of karstic remnant limestone hills or ridges surrounded typically by vertical cliffs. This unique kind of vegetation composed with many aboriginal species disappears very fast due to timber exploitation, forest fires, urbanization, soil erosion and climate drought connected with wide deforestation. This species was claimed that growing in Quan Ba (Ha Giang).
Cypripedium subtropicum S.C.Chen & K.Y.Lang
Habitat, phenology and conservation status.
Terrestrial rhizomatous herb. Primary and secondary broad-leaved evergreen and semideciduous forests (commonly with Alnus nepalensis D. Don) on steep slopes composed with soft shaly limestone, often along rocky stream valleys on moist alluvial well drained thin soils rich in humus. (1000)1400– 1600 m a. s. l. Fl. July–August.
Very rare.
Estimated IUCN Red List status – EN.
Southwestern and southern China: southeastern Tibet (Medong county) and southeastern Yunnan (Malipo county), northern Vietnam: Ha Giang (Quan Ba district) and Lai Chau (Sin Ho district).
Cypripedium subtropicum on
Cypripedium subtropicum on Turczaninowia 20(1)
Cypripedium subtropicum on Turczaninowia 20(1)
Cypripedium lentiginosum P.J.Cribb & S.C.Chen
Habitat, phenology and conservation status.
Terrestrial and lithophytic rhizomatous herb. Primary and secondary broad-leaved evergreen open forests and thickets on rocky steep slopes and mossy boulders just below ridges composed with solid karstic limestone, commonly in grassy places on wet, well drained soils rich in humus. 2100–2300 m a. s. l. Fl. May–June.
Very rare.
Estimated IUCN Red List status – EN.
Southern China: southeastern Yunnan (Malipo and Pingbian counties),
Vietnam: northwestern Ha Giang (Quan Ba district);
Cypripedium lentiginosum on Orchidspecies