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Scientific name: Schizaeaceae
English name:
Vietnamese name: Bòng bong
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Schizaeaceae is a family of 35 to 40 species of small ferns, chiefly tropical. Genera historically treated as belonging to this family include Anemia, Lygodium, and Mohria. However, striking differences in morphology and chromosome numbers, as well as known fossil history, indicate that these are best segregated into different families.

As in Osmunda, the sporangia are borne on specialised pinnae, distinct from ordinary vegetative pinnae

Plants terrestrial or epiphytic. Roots numerous. Stems mainly erect, covered with many stiff hairs 1--3 cells long, with simple siphonostele (hollow vascular cylinder). Leaves tufted, monomorphic or dimorphic. Petioles much longer than blades, blades reduced to tiny apical fistlike or radiating groups of rudimentary fertile pinnae ("digits"). Petioles sometimes repeatedly dichotomous, in some species webbed between branches to form fan-shaped false blades. Sporangia arranged in 1--4 ranks on abaxial surface of digits with revolute margins. Annulus subapical, composed of 1--(2--3) layer(s) of thickened cells. Gametophytes subterranean and not green or borne aboveground and green, tuberlike or flattened, cordate or filamentous. Spores bilateral, monolete.

Genera 2--3, species 30 (2 genera, 2 species in the flora): nearly worldwide, mainly in tropical areas.

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Pteridophyta
Class: Polypodiopsida
Order: Schizaeales


BVN - BotanyVN - Botany Research and Development Group of Vietnam
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