Tên Khoa học: Radiogrammitis beddomeana (alderw.) ParrisTên tiếng Anh: Tên tiếng Việt: Tên khác:
Basionym: Polypodium beddomeanum alderw. (1918: 39).
Type: Srilanka. Bogawantalawa, Wall 30 (holotype Bo!).Radiogrammitis alepidota (M.g.Price) Parris, synon. nov.Basionym: Grammitis alepidota M.g. Price (1974: 34).
Type: Phillipines. Luzon, Mt Banahaw, Quezon side, just below summit, elev. 2100 m, 28 March 1972, Price 2149 (holotype PNh!; isotypes K!, L, US!).
Additional specimens examined:—VIeTNaM. Lam Dong Province: Lac Duong District, Da Chays Commune, Bidoup-Nui Ba National Park, giang Ly Forest Station, elev. 1700 m , 20 June 2011, Wade 1625 (SgN!, aK!, TaIF!)
China, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Borneo (Sabah) and Philippines.
Taxonomic note
This species could be confused with Oreogrammitis parva another dwarf simple-fronded grammitid, but it differs from the latter in dorsiventral rhizomes with rhizome scales and medium to dark red-brown setae. (Phytotaxa 226 (1): 039–050)