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Tên Khoa học: Jasminanthes
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Jasminanthes Blume, Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi. 1: 148. 1850.

Jasminanthes Blume (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae, Marsdenieae) is a small Old World genus of six species (Endress et al. 2014). Its type species, Jasminanthes suaveolens Blume, is from Java. However, the centre of diversity of Jasminanthes is mainland Asia, particularly China, where the remaining congeners are found (Gilbert et al. 1995, Li et al. 1995). Jasminanthes was considered to be a large-flowered Marsdenia R.Br. by Forster (1995).

Lianas. Cymes extra-axillary, umbel-like, simple or dichotomous. Calyx deeply 5-parted, usually eglandular, segments erect and connate at base. Corolla salverform or urceolate; tube elongated, base broad, throat constricted or slightly dilated, interior with 5 pairs of longitudinal lines of hairs; lobes 5, twisted to right, usually longer than tube, acuminate in bud. Corona lobes usually conspicuous, adnate to back of stamens, erect, apex free, dorsally compressed, with board-shaped processes on back, minute or absent. Filaments connate into a short tube; anther appendages erect or inflexed on stigma head; pollinia 2 per pollinarium, erect. Stigma head conical or capitate. Follicles lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, apex acuminate. Seeds comose.

Jasminanthes was formerly included in Stephanotis, but the latter is endemic to Madagascar.

Giới: Thực vật
Ngành: Magnoliophyta
Lớp: Magnoliopsida
Bộ: Gentianales
Họ: Asclepiadaceae

Jasminanthes xuanlienensis

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