Scientific name: BlechnaceaeEnglish name: Vietnamese name: Ráng lá dừaOther name:
Mostly terrestrial ferns, sometimes climbers starting from the ground, rhizome mostly erect, sometimes rampant, dictyostelic, bearing dark, basally attached scales. Fronds mostly long stipitate, the stipe with 2 to several bundles in a ring, or many bundles in a more complex arrangement, lamina pinnatifid or pinnate, cometimes simple, lobed, or bipinnatifid, uniform or with strongly contracted fertile pinnae or lobes, glabrous, hairy and/or scaly, veins free to the margin, or anastomosing in a single (rarely more) series of costal areoles. Sori elongate and continuous along a vascular network either side of the midrib, protected by an indusium opening inwards, less often exindusiate, sometimes sori short, occasionally confluent, in 1 - 2 rows; annulus longitudinal, interrupted; spores monolete.